I would
love to hear the politics behind the bill switch at the Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah! concert. I bought tickets in the first week of August, when the bill was
Ambulance LTD. (with opening act CYHSY.)
At what point were their reps like, "bitch, our album was exponentially better
received by the style makers at pitchfork, give it up and switch the fucking bill." Were threats involved? Because either way, the concert was sold out, so it shouldn't much matter who opens for whom.
We got there an hour after doors opened; I had to figure out that Ambulance was on first, as they didn't actually introduce themselves. By far the best part of their show was trying to decide what drug the second guitarist was on. At first we went with blow, since has all grinding his mouth, but that didn't fit with his catatonic expression. I voted for ketamine, but his fingers were moving too fast. I think we finally settled on mushrooms, but none of us left too satisfied with that explanation.
The frenetic gangly boy in CYHSY's parents were directly in front of us. Huge fucking grins through the whole concert as he goofily bounced around. It was adorable. We always used to see Tori's parents at her concerts; they glowed with the same sheepish, beaming pride.
For me, the concert peaked too early, as the 3rd and 5th songs they played (I think) were The Skin of my Yellow Country Teeth and Is This Love? Most of the new stuff they played was less bouncy, which was both good and bad. Bad because I don't like it as much, but good because, what with my bum knee and all, the bouncing thing is both dangerous and painful. But my, I do love to bounce.
p.s. I stole the picture from
underafterp.p.s. I'm listening to:
Pulp- We Love Life