Monday, October 24, 2005

A return to normalcy

...albeit a brief one. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is both a mouthfull and a brainfull.

I read the shit out of E.M. Forster's Howard's End this weekend. It deals many of the same class issues as Passage to India, but ever so much better. Helen and Meg are lovely characters; I miss their presence already. I suspect I'll be renting the movie soon enough to relive the glory.

I get made fun of for referring to Pride and Prejudice as a page turner, but at the risk of sounding like the nerd I clearly am, I'd say Howard's End is too. I think what I enjoy about these manner novels (Forster, Austen, my beloved Edith Wharton, Henry James) is the deliberateness of each character. In a good society novel, everyone knows how to act in every situation, knows just how to shade every phrase with the nuance to get a point across. As a doofus lacking any subtlety, I just love being part of that world, however briefly.

I'm listening to:
Joy Division- Unknown Pleasures


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