Monday, July 25, 2005

Given that I'm about to begin my second year (how's that for some back story), I've been looking back on the first days of school last year.

During the orientation, talks revolved around how life changing it would all be for us. We were going to be molded into physicians, the noblest profession in the world (I'm reasonably certain something was said about 'second oldest' as well, but let's gloss over that for now). A dean recounted phone calls with his mother, too braindead to be actively engaged, but nodding along to keep the conversation going and in her good graces.

When I saw that everyone else was studying all the time (or at least talking about studying all the time), I allowed that behavior become acceptable. I shut out friends during their crises and excitements. I spaced out on ruminations over cross-country moves and explanations of failing relationships.

Never again.

That's the promise I make to myself.



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