I'm officially embarrassed to have had a crush on Matthew Sweet in middle school; the only thing that looks worse than his new covers album is Sweet himself.
Labels: bachelor
Hey, you know what's fucking cool? Learning the anti-arrhthmia drugs. The anti-arrhthmic drugs I'll use in a matter of months to save someone's life. A matter of months, reader. It's not imaginary anymore, even though I'm still imagining it.
Labels: dead school
Labels: butterstick
Our girl Robin Givhan has a blog. I suppose if a silly medical student can have one, why the heck not. But in her top post (the only one I read; I do, after all, have a lot of tests on Monday, thank you very much) she manages to:
Rhymes with Dead School has discovered YouTube. While this development clearly does not bode well for this writeup on Actue Myelogenous Leukemia, it does mean that I can now relive the best goal I've ever seen, the goal that had me convinced France could win the 2002 World Cup in Korea, the goal that allowed me to finally contact my ex-something to gloat- anytime I like.
Labels: soccer
Labels: soccer
My friends and I ate lunch at the hospital yesterday, a sight made ridiculous by the fact that we were all ten of us sporting our white coats before heading out to our weekly hospital roations. After finishing, we cut up to the second floor to get back over to our building. Three of us continued a conversation (on Fox's complete abandonment of Arrested Development, pitting four of the last new episodes against the Olympic Opening Ceremonies) while ascending a small staircase. We ran up against a group of long-coated doctors, prompting one of the more asinine men to say,
Labels: dead school
Sometimes, learning the medical root of a word is informative. Dr. Nuland taught me about the four humors first described by the ancient Greeks, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. They've integrated themselves so seamlessly into our vocabularies that I never thought to think that phlegmatic describes a sluggish state resulting from an imbalance of phlegm and melancholic from too much black (melanic) bile.
Labels: dead school