Tuesday, October 23, 2007

beach trip

I got to walk along the beach this afternoon after we got home from the hospital. There were hundreds of clam-things on one part of the beach. They would clam-walk back towards the water at every chance, only to be washed a bit further ashore with each wave.

That in and of itself was mostly enough to relax me during this, the worst-business-trip-ever, worst mainly in the sense that I am paying for it myself before my contract comes through, but also because I put my life in peril every time I get in the car with my coworker and she's actually from this country of the to-the-left-to-the-left. Yesterday I escaped death 5 (five!) times, only to close the day with our rental car getting pulled over for having expired tags. I'm not going to calculate the odds of that happening on a backroad in a smallish-town in a thirdworld country immediately before the close of business, but I bet Douglas Adams would have something amusing/astronomical to share. Oh, and there's also the work part of the trip, which is mindblowing in its vastness and humbling in its incompleteness.

I'm listening to:
The Long Blondes- Someone to Drive You Home
it came to me today that possibly the 19 year old steals her boyfriend and then in turn gets dumped, and that's the theme to the album. I'm overthinking this, but I'll add that I find it interesting how much the long blondes can sound like the 4-nonblondes song 'he-e-ey what's going on'


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