Thursday, January 05, 2006

on Michael Jackson

I am sore at muscles just below my behind that I did not previously know existed. I dissected the leg of another human being, and I'm not quite sure what I'm feeling in my own body.

I went dancing tonight (I'm sore from the pilates class I took at noon today, but the feeling I want to impart is tied to the dance party. Never you mind). The boys were breakdancing; there was a circle of 7 fellows and then we all stood around and watched. Not really enough bouncing for me, but I can play the good sport and watch for a few minutes. Guys came into the center to solo, when suddenly Billie Jean came on. Everyone stepped it up three levels to dance to Michael Jackson, dancing not only to the beat but also to the story of the misaligned lovers. I feel that each of them must have listened to those albums a hundred times before getting the nerve to come and dance for us. They'd role-played Michael's part so often that the acting just came organically.

And all I could think is, How could it feel to have influenced these young men so profoundly? What would it be like to have created music for the ages? So suddenly, for a few moments, it became ok that Michael Jackson acted out on his lost childhood by molesting children, because we have a handful of unforgettable albums.

I'm listening to:
Bloc Party- Silent Alarm


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