Tuesday, November 15, 2005

La Lo

My girlcrush on Lindsay Lohan had been waning, what with her gaining some of that weight back. But thanks to Gawker it's back in full force.

Linds, I take it all back. You'll always be my favorite trainwreck.

I'm listening to:
My Morning Jacket-Z
how can you start a CD with 6 seconds of silence? I'm all about the antici-----pation, but track 1, Wordless Chorus, is a major turnoff. As in, I want to turn off your album.

Monday, November 14, 2005

on Liberia

I'm not sure which of these two statements is the more ridiculous:

Despite Weah's accusations, Johnson-Sirleaf said that if certified as president, she would invite him to join her government, possibly as minister of youth and sports or as an ambassador.
"We've always been America's stepchild, never a truly African country," she added. "We've got to find the things that bind."
Liberia was founded as a country to which America could return freed slaves, it's true, but the US hasn't shown it any special love in over 100 years.

I hope Georges Weah quickly stops his voter-fraud hijinks. These manifestations don't seem warranted given Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf's margin of victory and assurances of a just vote. Liberians just conducted their first peaceful democratic election, that in and of itself should make anyone happy.

I'm listening to:
Low- The Great Destroyer

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Weekend Update

1. The Clientele are a boring version of the Auteurs. Very disappointing.

2. I can knit again.

3. I can also eat a pound and a half of shrimp in the time it takes me to read Atul Gawande's article on malpractice insurance in this week's New Yorker. I think a lot about ob-gyn, but a big block for me is the annoyance of malpractice insurance should I choose to practice privately some of the time while working at a clinic the rest. Other hindrances include looking at vaginas all day and the long hours of the residency.

4. I probably don't have a prolactinoma, since I'm neither currently spontaneously lactating nor do I have bitemporal hemianopsia. Looks like I have to find another reason for the two week long headache that's taken over the part of my brain caudal to my frontal lobe pretty much where the pituitary gland lies.

5. France better stop sucking before June rolls around and I'm counting on outstanding performances during the World Cup to take me away from the doldrums of USMLE studying.

I'm listening to:
not the Clientele, I can tell you that much;
MIA/Diplo- Piracy Funds Terrorism

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I spoke too quickly. The Kansas BOE voted yesterday that intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution.
The scientific mainstream says there is no significant controversy, that evidence from fields ranging from paleontology to molecular biology shows all life on Earth originated from a single simple life-form.
"I wish you were not changing science to have it fit into your faith," she said. "It's a lousy time for us to be lowering science standards in Kansas."

And now I have to go to school.

just rewards

1. Though a loss for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, the vehement ousting of 8/9 Dover school board is a resounding win for intelligence in America. That's because teaching intelligent design is stupid.

2. Bush's campaign stumping was too little, too late for Jerry Kilgore, as Virginia inherits another goofly looking mayor:

Well done, guys. I still think you're losers. But you win points for adding to the demolition of President Bush's political capital, whatever that means.

In other news, this headache has to go. Away. It's been 5 days I think, and I'm not feeling it anymore. Still more annoyingly, we're studying endocrinology and I've interpreted my polydypsia and polyuria as some diabetes insipidus. If I keep it up, I'm going to want to taste my own urine, and just no.

I'm listening to:
Broken Social Scene- s/t

Monday, November 07, 2005

best Gob quote ever:

I heard the jury's still out on... science...

I could marry everyone on Arrested Development (except Tobias, of course. I need a never nude like I need another hole in my head.)

I'm listening to:
David Bowie- Low
oh Lindsay- or Gob- won't you be my wife? sometimes I get so lonely

Today in Marion

Rhymes with Dead School loves Marion Barry. A lot. But seriously dude, when 1/20 people in the District is HIV positive- highest of any major city in America- and 23% of people live below the poverty level, we sortof need your money, honey.

I'm listening to:
The Dismemberment Plan- !

Sunday, November 06, 2005

proof I have no soul

After reading this, all I can think of is one of my favorite jokes:

A pirate with a steering wheel on his penis walks into a bar. Bartender asks, "why do you have a steering wheel on your penis, sir?" The pirate responds, "Arrr! It's drivin' me nuts."

I'm listening to:
Bjork- Debut Live
a pirated CD I bought in Beijing

Saturday, November 05, 2005

scratch that

I knew something was fishy as that soccer game wasn't already in my agenda. France is playing England next week, but it's the under-21s. Less of a draw, I must admit, for while I'd like to scout our new talent, I apparently have some learning to do these next few weeks.


I'm listening to-
The Clash- London Calling.
Spanish Bombs- best song ever on the Spanish Civil War. I'm just saying.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This is brilliant. The New Yorker cartoon caption contests seriously sucks. I know that a lot of the attempts at humor that used to occupy the space were pretty lame, but this is just worse.

Best captions from the comments:

And now we present Beethoven's Fourth -- or, Beethoven in Fourth Gear.
Hey, we asked for a conductor, not a conTRUCKtor!

Thank you Lindsayism for brightening a morning all but ruined by the writing of a paper on transgenic mice for the neurosurgery lab I apparently worked in this summer.

I'm listening to:
Ozomatli- Embrace the Chaos

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