1. The Clientele are a boring version of the Auteurs. Very disappointing.
2. I can knit again.
3. I can also eat a pound and a half of shrimp in the time it takes me to read Atul Gawande's
article on malpractice insurance in this week's New Yorker. I think a lot about ob-gyn, but a big block for me is the annoyance of malpractice insurance should I choose to practice privately some of the time while working at a clinic the rest. Other hindrances include looking at vaginas all day and the long hours of the residency.
4. I probably don't have a prolactinoma, since I'm neither currently spontaneously lactating nor do I have bitemporal hemianopsia. Looks like I have to find another reason for the two week long headache that's taken over the part of my brain caudal to my frontal lobe pretty much where the pituitary gland lies.
5. France better stop
sucking before June rolls around and I'm counting on outstanding performances during the World Cup to take me away from the doldrums of USMLE studying.
I'm listening to:
not the Clientele, I can tell you that much;
MIA/Diplo- Piracy Funds Terrorism