Monday, November 14, 2005

on Liberia

I'm not sure which of these two statements is the more ridiculous:

Despite Weah's accusations, Johnson-Sirleaf said that if certified as president, she would invite him to join her government, possibly as minister of youth and sports or as an ambassador.
"We've always been America's stepchild, never a truly African country," she added. "We've got to find the things that bind."
Liberia was founded as a country to which America could return freed slaves, it's true, but the US hasn't shown it any special love in over 100 years.

I hope Georges Weah quickly stops his voter-fraud hijinks. These manifestations don't seem warranted given Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf's margin of victory and assurances of a just vote. Liberians just conducted their first peaceful democratic election, that in and of itself should make anyone happy.

I'm listening to:
Low- The Great Destroyer


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