Friday, September 09, 2005

Paranoia Paranoia

My mother got me a Hypochondriac Wheel for my birthday last month. I laughed it off, because all those finger infections least year were practically medical emergencies. It was only as I sat in Health Services last week pointing to my chapped lips and explaining that my "cold sores" "had to be" "Herpes" that it clicked:

I'm going to be one of THOSE second year students. I'm going to spend large chunks of this year waiting at the student clinic for a doctor to diagnose me with a random (or not so random. 90% of Americans in their fourth decade have HSV1*) disease.

That seemed like a pretty bleak fate. Then this weekend I sprained my knee water tubing. And while my rush to the ER may have seemed a mite premature, there's no mistaking the diagnosis. And probably not the pain.

Serves me right?

*this I know because I spent an hour on MD consult reading about Herpes. Which was maybe some time well spent, because I actually do have to know it for micro

I'm listening to:
Dntel: Early works for me if it works for you


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