Looking back on my posts over the last week, it would appear I've gone a little boy-crazy. I suspect that's because my two latest suitors have left so much to be desired that I have to rely on international soccer star fantasy.
Why only the day before yesterday, a moustached dufus left me a voicemail proposing a casual sex relationship. And I quote: "I figure you know you're looking for something you know, some people you can be like casual with and all, and that's what i'm looking for too. You know, just some casual fun, go out, you know, have some kicks have some drinks have some good times."
It's clearly easier to avoid reality and turn to this:

The Juventans. I love Trezeguet, even as I am quite worried about a 4-4-2 with Henry and Trezeguet up front, given how poorly it's performed in the past. I love this game, even during a relatively lousy game between Ecuador and Poland.
I'm listening to:
Broadcast- The Noise Made by People
Excellent, love it! »
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