Tuesday, March 21, 2006

on Mogwai

More fond concert memories:

I went to see Mogwai a few weeks back. Instead of stamping my wrist or taping on one of those cool bracelets that make me feel like I've just come from clubbing in Cancun, the doorman wrote KOH on the inside of my wrist.

Because I'm a smart ass and was a chemistry major in another life, I sneered, "Potassium Hydroxide?"

He smirked back, "Think about it."

My date and I went to the bathroom. I muttered something about there only being eight strong bases while reminiscing about how badass Britboy and I were to refer to Analytical Chemistry as Anal.

Mogwai was so fucking loud that I- a former sound engineer with marked hearing loss- spent much of the show pinning my ears back to blunt the sound. Only after the fellows sitting behind us mercifully took pity on us and offered us earplugs did I make the connection. Strong base indeed.

I'm listening to:
Blur- Modern Life is Rubbish


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