I'm listening to:
Jose Gonzalez-Veneer
I've been frustrated by my inablility to watch the Butterstick Pandacam from my Mac at home. MySpace to the rescue; their feed frees me from spending time in the numbingly windowless school computer lab.
The Utah Pathology images are usually pretty staid slides of body parts. That said, someone must think Lou Gehrig's Disease is amusing. Either that, or they're fucking with me by making me laugh:
Labels: dead school
This year brought forth good albums by bands that usually make me spectacular study music- I'm looking at you, sigur ros and boards of canada. see also: MMJ. Thank goodness Serena-Maneesh was around and Jackson invented his Computer Band to keep me entertained during pathophysiology.
This here article is exactly why I should drop out of school to get a hipster job and DJ: it no longer requires any skill. It just requires the brain power not to be a self-indulgent douchebag. It is not cool to play Rod Stewart's If You Want My Body at a club on a Saturday night. It is not ironic, nor is it quirky or fun. It is, rather, the quickest way to clear the dance floor. Same for an unremixed version of Bjork's Hunter. I love that woman so much I drove four hours to see her and Matmos three summers ago. That said, that shit should not be played unless you can spin something underneath it to make it danceable. And even then, only be in one of the clubs in Cannes circa 1998.
Labels: hipster
World Cup draw took place this afternoon.
Labels: soccer