Sunday, October 15, 2006

I hate myself

It's not actually hatred so much as deep-seeded shame. I was sleeping through my alarm on Friday (not a surprise, given the 4 am wakeup time) as the radio oscillated between NPR and a cheesy pop station. I am embarassed to say it wasn't Nina Totenberg that roused me from my slumber, but rather the cheesy Grey's Anatomy song by Frey, How to Save a Life:

So I pulled on my scrubs and went to the lame private hospital where I am doing my Benign Gynecology rotation to watch private doctors perform surgeries instead of at least getting to scrub in and help myself.

No lives were saved. Stupid inspirational songs be damned.

I'm listening to:
Pulp- Different Class


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sally's Song

I am so happy I got up the energy to check Stereogum this afternoon: Scott posted a new Fiona Apple song. Sally's Song. It's from the Nightmare Before Christmas 3D-DVD. How do I feel about it (multiple choice in preparation for my shelf exam in a week. Never mind that those questions will have choices A-J, if not A-M)

a. It sounds like a Tim Burton song.

b. It has the same tone as Fiona's other cover-for-a-soundtrack, Across the Universe.

c. From what I'm able to glean, the original was off the original soundtrack, as composed by a Danny Elfman.

d. I don't care either way. At this point in Ob-Gyn, I'm like a mangled dog in a kennel: I've been kicked so often and so hard, I don't know what a caress might feel like. I cringe at any touch. If a moody Fiona song is going to make my night, so be it.

I'm listening to:
Fiona Apple- Sally's Song. on repeat.

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