I just wanted to post a shoutout to Benzocaine. My wisdom teeth have been coming in, sporadically, for the last four years. According to the 'dentist,' I have a 'big mouth.' I don't need to have them pulled. That's awesome, but every few months I teethe.
Teethe. As in baby wanting to suck on a frozen waffle teethe. And while it's charming and quaint and brings me back to a time I don't actually remember, it's also quite painful. So thanks go out to CVS brand oral numbing liquid that I can apply to poor, sore gums.
I'm listening to:
M83- Dead Cities, Red Seas, & Lost Ghosts
Hey you know what was awesome? I went to see Andrew Bird a few months back, and not only did I have an awkward runin with a fellow I am no longer seeing, but the platform on which I was standing collapsed underneath me. It wasn't quite as dramatic as those
stadium crashes, as I fell about a foot and a half, but it was still pretty remarkable. As in, I'm now remarking on it.