Thursday, August 04, 2005

Managing Medical School

The concept of "not going to class" is a simple one: one assumes one will make up the time one lost on the last lectures (those one spaced out on, or during which one read Sons and Lovers) during the time of these new lectures, thereby giving one a full half-week of extra leisure time. Then, clearly, during some undefined "imaginary" time, one will make up for those lectures one missed when one was trying to recover from being behind.

The system works great until one freaks out. Then one is freaking out, and in addition, one is a full week (how the fuck did that happen ?) behind on the material. At that point, "not going to class" seems like the most idiotic thing one could possibly do, so one vows never to do it again. Until the next exam period, when the lecturers prove themselves worthess (and by worthless I mean no better than the book) yet again.

Lather rinse and repeat.

Listening to:
The Decemerists: Her Majesty the Decemerists. no racial epihtets on this album, which is ideal.


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